Does Senna Damage The Colon?
The mechanism of action of anthranoids, however, is somewhat worrisome: they seem to work primarily by damaging the cells lining the colon. In general, cell damage can be a precursor to cancer, and on this basis, concerns have been raised that senna might increase colon cancer risk.
Stimulant laxatives / Irritant laxatives
Video Summary: In this video, we will see stimulant / irritant purgatives. It includes anthraquinones like aloe,
A Student Drank 2 Liters Fiber Supplement For Dinner. This Is What Happened To His Intestines.
Psyllium husk fiber supplement can be part of a healthy diet, but it must be taken correctly. It has been shown to lower cholesterol …
4/13/18: Constipation: Myths, Misconceptions and New Developments
Arnold Wald, MD, presents a lecture on the clinical management of constipation, a condition affecting approximately 42 million …