How Much Were Nelk Nft?

The average price of one FULL SEND METACARD NFT NFT was $1.1k. There are 7,036 FULL SEND METACARD NFT owners, owning a total supply of 9,999 tokens. Built on the Ethereum Blockchain with a limited supply of 10,000 NFTs, the FULL SEND METACARD will give you access to the FULL SEND & NELK Empire.

Gary Vee Explains How He Made $90 Million on NFTs & Why They’ll Change the World

This week, the boys sit down with entrepreneur Gary Vee and John Shahidi in NYC. Gary explains how he made his money, NFT’s …

The Nelk Boys NFT Situation…

Clip from Lew Later (Google And Apple Will Join Forces…) -

Nelk NFT Cash Grab??
