Is It Ok To Eat Mince That Has Gone Brown?

Store mince correctly If a package of minced meat or other meat is a brown-grey colour on the surface and all the way through, then it may be spoiled. Spoiled meat will have off an obvious ‘sour’ or ‘off’ smell and feel tacky to the touch. Don’t take any chances with spoiled meat. If in doubt, throw it out.

Is Hamburger Meat Spoiled When It Turns Grey or Brown Before Cooking? : Meat Preparation Tips

When hamburger meat gets spoiled it will display a few pretty clear signs that you should watch out for. Find out if hamburger meat …

Is it ok to eat brown meat? | Jess Pryles

Is it ok to eat brown

Myth: If Meat Turns Brown That Means It Is Spoiled

Many people believe that if their fresh beef