What Are Ants Favorite Food?

The number one food that attracts ants is sugar. Unfortunately, sugar is found in most foods and beverages. They love to feast on drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup and other sweet smelling foods. Food crumbs and spills are especially productive for the ants’ well-being.

What kind of food do ants like the most? We tested it for you.

In honor of Memorial Day, we let the

Whats My Ants Favorite Food?

Idk what to put here Music I used https://youtu.be/P7Nt8Vzlw0I https://youtu.be/k71AM2yfj7w.

Which of these FIVE FLAVOURS will FIRE ANTS love most? | Fire Ant Taste Test

I did an experiment using my pet fire ant colony as subjects to perform the ultimate taste test! I wanted to learn which of five …