What Does It Mean By 6 6 Eyesight?

Many people refer to ‘perfect’ vision as ‘6/6’ or ‘20/20’ (US notation measured in feet), but this is not strictly true – these terms refer to ‘average’ vision. If you achieve a vision measurement of 6/6, this means that you can see at a distance of 6m what an average person also sees at the same distance.

What is 20:20 or 6:6 Vision?

Contact us to find out more http://www.londonvisionclinic.com/contact-us/ Glenn Carp explains what

How to Check Your Patient’s Visual Acuity

Peer Reviewed (through LearnFM, the Shared Canadian Curriculum in Family Medicine, learnfm.ca) ** This

Visual Acuity and the Snellen Chart

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