What Does Ivomec Super Treat?

Ivomec Super Injection is an Injectable wormer for cattle. The injection is for the treatment of gastro-intestinal nematodes, lung-worms, liver fluke, eye-worms, warbles, mange mites and lice.

Ivomec Super - “Ditetesi” | Seberapa Pengaruh, Efek Terhadap Belatung Hidup?!

Disclaimer : Video ini bukan untuk mempromosikan barang yang berkaitan di dalam video tersebut serta tidak di endorse dari …

Farmer Story: IVOMEC Super - Pedigree Beef - Moore’s Livestock

Meet Natasha Moore and her family who farm a 230 pedigree/beef herd in the UK. They have 3 grazing groups and 2 Limousin …

Ivomec Super Agridirect

Use IVOMEC® Super to maximise the growth potential of your cattle from grass.