What Is Pyro In Python?

Pyro is short for PYthon Remote Objects. It is an advanced and powerful Distributed Object Technology system written entirely in Python, that is designed to be very easy to use. Never worry about writing network communication code again, when using Pyro you just write your Python objects like you would normally.

Introduction to Pyro - How do I build a model with Pyro

In this screencast I give an introduction to #

Introduction to Pyro, a probabilistic programming language in Python

UC Berkeley Center for Computational Biology (CCB) Skills Seminar Dec 15, 2021. Justin Hong (research engineer in the Yosef …

Martin Jankowiak - Brief Introduction to Probabilistic Programming

Recorded at the ML in PL 2019 Conference, the University of Warsaw, 22-24 November 2019. Martin Jankowiak (Uber AI Labs) …