What Is The Sum Of 28?

The sum of all factors of 28 is 56 .Positive pair factors of 28:FactorsPair factors4 × 7 = 28(4, 7)7 × 4 = 28(7, 4)14 × 2 = 28(14, 2)28 × 1 = 28(28, 1)2 more rows

The sum of first five number is a)11 b)18 c)26 d)28

prime number in a number greater than can be divided by itself The first five prime number are 2,3,5,7, 2+3+ 5+7+ 11 =

Find four numbers in an AP whose sum is 28 and the sum of whose squares is 216.

Q. Find four numbers in an AP whose

Phantasy Star IV Ep. 28: Zero Sum Game - RetroFits

James and JJ get a couple of young ladies out of prison and save a “dying” child, y’all. Opening Theme: Pokimonkey by …